Here I will share my optimal morning routine to set you up for success, a clear mind and positive energy for your day.
When starting on my mindful journey, one thing I found beneficial to my life was creating a morning routine that can empower and energise me for the day ahead and give me peace of mind therapy. And gently start my day off on the right pathway. As humans, routine is such an essential aspect of our lives. We love familiarity and thrive with some form of order in our lives. Setting yourself goals and achieving those goals and objectives is possible when we have a plan. A straightforward routine we can stick to and follow, which can be adapted and we can do it anywhere
When I wake, the first thing I do is get hydrated. Providing our bodies with enough water is essential, especially after sleeping. Visualise yourself as a small plant that needs to be natured with enough water before the sun comes up. I usually drink one big glass of fresh room temperature water. I think it is best to ensure that your first glass is not too hot or cold to allow your body to adjust to a wake-up.
Additionally, whilst in the kitchen, I put on the kettle ready for my first-morning ritual, making and drinking tea! For me drinking tea is such a spiritual practice. Over the centuries, humans have drunk tea for health, ceremony and enjoyment. For me, tea has a personal connection to fond memories as a child with my great grandparents, a time for bonding and socialising. For my morning tea, I usually choose something light, low to no caffeine and refined taste. My favourite morning tea is from the Pukka Tea collection. This tea company makes the most beautifully balanced organic herbal teas, ideal for morning and night to rest your mind and relax. My favourite is ‘Three Mint’.
While I brew and prepare my tea, I will take the time to be mindful of the present. I intentionally create a connection to my current state, how I am feeling today, and what emotions I think. How does my body feel? Learn to be in intune with the present.
After my mindful tea, focusing on my breath for a few moments brings blissful energy to my body, soul and mind and is key to peace of mind therapy. I sit quietly and focus on my breathing and how I feel at that moment. While I close my eyes, I start to deepen my breath, and if any thoughts come to mind, I just let them pass and continue focusing. I would recommend you start doing this for 3 to 5 minutes at first. Then you can extend for more significant periods. Breathing is something we can do anywhere, so even if you have a hectic schedule, make time for breathing when you commute to work or school.
Daily Affirmation
Daily affirmation is a great way to encourage motivational, mindful and positive energy into your day. After my breathing routine, I repeat my affirmation 4 times out loud and 4 times in my head. I make sure I focus on the words and make say them with confident intent. Therefore choose one that resonates with you and recite it in the morning as part of your routine. In my free ebook, you can read more about what affirmation is, how to create your own affirmation and a collection of my favourite for sleep and perfect dreams. You can download it here.
I also have the perfect Youtube video on morning affirmation for more inspiration and calmness of mind:
Peace of mind therapy is not only confined to the mind, exercise is key. For myself, my chosen workout is a run or a simple yoga routine. I have developed my love of running over the years, inspired by my favourite author, Haruki Murakami, who wrote the memoir, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir.
Additionally, running or going for a walk is a great way to clear your mind and melt away anxiety and stress. I also love it because I can go outside, experience the seasons, and feel connected to nature. Therefore this is essential to wellness and mindful living, forming and maintaining connections to the world around you. Learn to be active for mindful practice.
Free Sleep Affirmation Ebook
Final Thoughts
Lastly, a routine is essential for a clear mind and is a great way to foster positive energy in your life. If you don’t have a morning routine, take inspiration from mine. You can start with small steps to me intentional decisions to create your own mindful morning routine that is right for you. Above all, make sure you choose what you like and what makes you feel comfortable and have fun!
11 thoughts on “Peace of Mind Therapy: Creating Your Morning Routine”