While beginning my mindful and meditation journey, I found starting and using a meditation diary, often called a meditation journal, has allowed me to make deep connections and understandings of my meditation practice and form a mindful reflection. It has also helped me solve various questions, wonders and problems I may have been experiencing and has allowed me to reflect on my personal growth, success and failures within meditation and life. Here I will share with you the benefits of having a meditation diary and how you can start yours today.
Quick Pick: Meditation Journal PDF printable download
What is a Meditation diary?
A meditation diary is where you jot down what you feel and experience when you practice meditation. It can be any notebook, book, electronic tablet or phone. Some people might pick to utilize the journal they are already keeping. In contrast, others prefer to use a unique book created especially for meditation, such as a pre-printed format. I have a small field notes notebook that I use, which is handy and portable so that I can take it anywhere. When using my meditation journal, there is no specific time each day, 5 minutes to 1 hour. I use it first thing each morning, the last thing during the night and regularly between.
Unlike traditional journaling or diary keeping, a meditation journal does not stick to the documentation of the past as its sole format. Instead, its power comes from the act of writing and reflecting. It is an act of being, as we write it in the present moment, an intentional act. The meditation journal entries are not a record we return to and reminisce about but a tool for creating a mindful reflection and present moment. The act of writing is, in essence, a form of meditation.

Benefits of a Meditation diary
- Creates a mindful reflection and intentional moment
- Slows down a hectic modern lifestyle
- It brings calm and focuses the mind
- Serve as a cathartic release
- Discharges your sense of facts and sensations
- Opens a dialogue with your subconscious.
- Identify, acknowledge and let go of your emotions;
- Move forwards in your thinking
- Teach you an enormous amount about yourself and others.
Meditation Diary Prompts:
- Date and time of session
- Location
- Environment
- Type of practice
- Feelings and perceptions
- Insights or realizations
- Additional observations or insights
Catch a Sleep has created a handy Meditation Diary PDF printable for you to use or be inspired by when designing and writing your meditation journal and your meditation journal entries. Our meditation Journal is available for a low price to help support our website and content!
Meditation Diary PDF printable download

Meditation Diary PDF
Enjoy this digital Meditation Diary PDF printable to inspire your meditation journey and use as a tool to prompt.
This diary comes with 3 different meditation session format pages:
1. Mindful Reflections
2.Meditation Connections
3. Nature Meditations
-The Meditation Diary PDF is made up of 44 pages
What to Write?
What you decide to put in your meditation journal is your choice, and there is no right or wrong way to use your meditation diary. You can use the format above, or you can just start writing at the moment what comes to your mind. Some ideas could be the quantity of time you invest in meditating, the strategy or type of meditation you utilize, and any comments that concern your mind.
Keep it accessible initially; with time, journaling will become a natural part of your meditation sessions. It is a way of finding out more about yourself as you put your ideas down on paper—the act of journaling assists you in acquiring viewpoint and reflection on your meditation practice and life.
When using your meditation diary, remind yourself it needs to be a satisfying, favourable, and pleasurable experience. If you prefer, you can write quickly about your meditation experience. You do not have to register in a structured method or follow the meditation diary prompts above. Begin writing what you keep in mind the most clearly. This will bring your a present intentional moment,
A diary entry can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a few words. When you begin composing and reflecting on your meditation session, more thoughts may come to mind. You can even do a doodle, sketch, draw, collage or paint if these kinds of self-expression interest you. Also, don’t forget we now live in a modern age of technology, and if you want to be more sustainable, you can use and create an e-meditation diary. I would recommend the Reflectly app to record your entries. This app is simple, easy to use, minimal and specially designed for mindful reflection and emotional development.

Mindfulness Journal Prompts:
- Sit and think for five minutes. What thoughts pass through your mind?
- How do I feel right now?
- Connect to nature. Listen, what do you hear, and what do you feel?
- What sensations do you feel in your body right now?
- Is your body sending any signals to you? For example, thirst, hunger, sadness etc.
- What do you feel grateful for? Send gratitude to the universe.
I hope these mindfulness journal prompts to inspire you if you feel lost about what and how to start meditation and journaling. But don’t feel constrained by this list, you are free to journal as you wish.
Final Thoughts
A Meditation Diary, Mindfulness Journal or Meditation Journal is something we should all try. It is a powerful tool which allows meditators to connect to a present, mindful reflection moment. Meditation journal writing is a form of mindful meditation in which the participant can reflect and truly live in the present moment while writing. Download our Meditation Journal PDF printable today and start practising a new mindful way of meditation.